dimarts, 28 d’octubre del 2014


Comencem la setmana jugant un altre cop amb en John Skeleton 😆.
Després ens resseguim el nostre cos i aprenem el nom d' algunes parts: arms, foot,  eyes, mouth...

P4 i P5

El dimarts hem vist que els colors són presents a la naturalesa. Hem pintat les estacions i ens hem adonat que tots fèiem servir colors semblants per a cada estació.
Fall: red, yellow,  brown...
Summer: blue, yellow...
Spring: Green,  purple, pink,  red...
Winter : grey, red...
Després hem jugat al joc del mocador però amb colors. Ha set molt divertit!

Celebrem la festa anglosaxona de Halloween fent unes màscares terrorífiques ! 

dilluns, 27 d’octubre del 2014



We've been learning some animal names and we've done our own Animal Dictionary!


Some days we read and represent little story books. Reading aloud to children is a wonderful shared activity and it's an important form of stimulation. 

When we read, our children hear us using many different emotions and expressive sounds, which fosters social and emotional development. Reading also invites children to look, point, touch, and answer questions — all of which promote social development and thinking skills. And children improves language skills by imitating sounds, recognizing pictures, and learning words.

The other day, we listened "A taste of the moon", by Michael Grejniec. A book so magic and delicious as the full moon. The animals that live in the jungle show us how the things we share always taste much better.

"... so the animals started calling all other animals, one by one, until forming an unlikely tower with the tortoise at the base, followed by the elephant, the giraffe, the zebra, the lion, the fox, the monkey and the little mouse".



We've been learning  our body parts during a week, so we played a game with post-it papers for that. We really have enjoyed doing it!


Let's learn about our body!

Schools usually introduce body parts as a basic lesson so that a child is more aware of his own body at the preschool and first grade level. They also do it to increase a child’s vocabulary. To reinforce that, we've done a mural painting outlining our body and matching the body parts words on it.

And here's a funny song for you! Let's dance and sing!

We hope you enjoy it!

dimarts, 21 d’octubre del 2014

P4 i P5

Quins colors ens costa saber? Busquem tècniques per recordar-los.
Ens fem el nostre propi joc del Memory dels colors i ens ho passem molt bé jugant-hi!

Dijous juguem al joc " The cat and the mouses" amb els colors i ens ho passem molt bé! 


Aquesta setmana comencem a treballar les parts del cos. I què més divertit que començar fent monstres...with 4 eyes, 5 arms...

En John Skeleton ens ajuda a aprendre com es el nostre cos