dilluns, 24 de març del 2014

Some games to play


You are probably familiar with the exceptional benefits of playing a game. Regardless of one's age and physical ability, games are considered to be those types of recreational activities that people select to try in order to increase their mental and/or physical skills while enjoying the excitement.

Here are some games we have played:

- Blind Man's Bluff
Take some keys and put them in the metal bowl, and place it under a chair. Everyone makes a wide circle around the chair. A Person is blindfolded, and sits in the chair, armed with the Newspaper/Nerf Sword. The Blind Man must defend the keys, if he connects with someone that person is either out, or sent back to start again.The objective is to sneak up and get the keys from the bowl, back to the starting area, without being hit. The successful sneaker gets to be the next blind man. It can be played in turns, or all at once, which makes for fast competitive sneaking. A leader can also direct, selecting one or more child to attempt at the same time.

- Birdie on a perch
Teens should pair off into partners. One teen will be the birdie, the other the perch. You might want to suggest that the person who is the birdie needs to either be somewhat smaller or the same size as the perch. All of the perches make a circle and walk counter-clockwise. While all of the birdies make a larger circle around the perches and walk clockwise. After a few seconds call out "Birdie on a Perch!" and the partners must find each other and the birdie must jump onto the back of the perch. The last pair to find each other is out. Continue until there is only one pair left. For a bit of your own entertainment, call out different walks for the teens to do. Such as: walk like a bird, a ballerina, run way model, ninja, etc.

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